Friday, July 24, 2009

Greetings from Sydney

Hello family and friends! During the next few months I’ll use this blog to keep all up to date with how I'm doing in Australia.

Last Friday my plane departed the L.A. Airport. Because I crossed the International Date Line on the way over, I skipped Saturday altogether and arrived in Sydney on Sunday. Once I got to my house I met up with Adam and Barrett, who I knew in high school. We took a ferry to Manly Beach, which passed right by the Oprah House.

For the next semester I'm staying in a one-story house with 6 other guys. We're all international students, but only America and England are represented in our household.

The school here is huge, but only two of my classes are in large lecture halls. I think the aerospace course I'm taking will be interesting. Students studying here graduate with their Master's in four years, so although I'm in a third year course, in the U.S. this level of study would be fourth year.

Yesterday I had no class, so I took a bus, a train and a ferry out to Royal National Park. This place holds the title of the oldest national park in the world, older even than Yellowstone.

In the park there's jungle, shrub-land, beaches and stunning coastal cliffs. The ferry arrived in the little town of Bundeena, which would be a wonderful place to live, on accont backs up to a huge National Park. I first hiked through the jungle, then out to the coast where I followed the cliffs back to the town.

One of the highlights of this trip is that I saw a wild echidna! This little mammal looks like a hedgehog, but has an anteater snout and lays eggs. It also moves by waddling really slowly. By the looks of it, in a pinch it would make an easy meal.